20 Questions
with a Saints Athlete: Grace Dyer
The freshman from Tacoma, Washington was recently named Saint Martin’s Student-Athlete Advisory
Committee president and is currently majoring in business. Dyer and the women's golf team open the season today with a tournament at Puget Sound and head to California this weekend. I had a chance to catch up with Grace this week before she hit the links.
What is your most
embarrassing athletic moment?
I was walking in a tournament in high school, talking with other girls
and I wasn’t paying attention and I tripped face down in a bunker.
If you could
change one rule in your sport what would it be?
There should be foot wedges allowed.
What is the one
item you always take with you on the road?
A lucky brush tee that I always keep in my bag.
What is your
first memory you have playing your sport?
When I was four I used to go to the course with my family and walk and
every hole I didn’t complain my parents would give me an M&M.
What is one of
your pregame rituals or routines?
I listen to the same playlist on my iPod.
What one word
best describes you in your opinion?
Who is your
favorite professor you have had at SMU?
Dr. Rex Casillas who teaches history.
What is one fear
you have that people might not know about you?
Deathly afraid of rats.
What is your
favorite road trip to take?
Going to Kona, Hawaii. I’ve already started the countdown for next
What is your
most prized possession with no value?
My stuffed Piglet
Who is the best
prankster on the team?
Head coach Bob Grisham
What are the
reasons you decided to come to SMU?
I really like the class sizes and the travel schedule as well as head
coach Grisham.
What it your
best non-athletic talent?
Remembering song lyrics.
How do you want
people at SMU to remember you?
As the new SAAC president I want to have more positive athlete support.
What is the
hardest class you have taken at SMU?
What is your
What is one major sporting event
would you like to attend?
The Masters Golf Tournament on the 14th hole.
The Masters Golf Tournament on the 14th hole.
What is one song on your iPod that
would surprise people?
Phantom of the Opera
Phantom of the Opera
What is one thing you wish you knew
how to do?
Juggle the golf ball on the golf club.
Juggle the golf ball on the golf club.
Other than your own, what is your
favorite Saints team to watch play?
Men’s basketball
Men’s basketball
Check out Kyle's Korner tomorrow for 20 questions with an SMU men's golfer.
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