20 Questions with a Saints Athlete: Stephen Mahnken
Saints baseball played their first home games over the weekend and I had the opportunity to sit down with sophomore outfielder Stephen Mahnken to find out more about the man beneath the cap. Mahnken, who hails from Puyallup, Washington batted .266 and made 16 starts last season.
What is your most embarrassing athletic moment?
- Freshman year of high school, in my first ever outing as a pitcher I did a first to third move. (This is illegal.)
If you could change one rule in your sport what would it be?
- Wood bats instead of metal.
What is the one item you always take with you on the road?
- My Bible
What is your first memory you have playing your sport?
- In coach pitch one of my best friends hit a line drive back at the coach and broke his arm.
If someone were to star in a movie about your life, who would it be?
- Chris Farley
What is one of your pregame rituals or routines?
- I pray by myself before every game after we warm-up.
Who is your favorite professor you have had at SMU?
- Leon Chickering
What is one fear you have that people might not know about you?
- Deathly afraid of spiders.
What is your favorite road trip to take?
- Cal Poly Pomona
Is there any significance to your jersey number?
- I have seven letters in all three of my names which equals 21.
Who is the best prankster on the team?
- Anthony Kuntz
What is the reason you decided to come to SMU?
- It was close to home.
What is your most prized possession with no value?
- My relationship with God.
What it your best non-athletic talent?
- I can grow a nice beard.
How do you want people at SMU to remember you?
- Someone who showed the love of God to others.
What is the hardest class you have taken at SMU
- Psychology 101 because I didn’t buy the text book.
What is your nickname?
- Stevie ManCakes aka “Mahnken plays, breakin hearts.”
What is one thing you wish you knew how to do?
- Sing
Your autobiography is written, what’s the title?
- Man Cakes: A Love Story
What is one song on your iPod that would surprise people?
- Two Cellos (When I asked who this was, Stephen’s comment was: “Basically two guys who each have the cello and they just play them.)
Look for my next post coming later in the week about SMU senior high Jumper Laura Tesch who will be competing in the GNAC Indoor Track & Field Championships in Idaho.
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